FRST funding – top 5 recipients of funding
AgResearch $67,228,000
Industrial Research Ltd. $54,364,000
New Zealand Institute of Crop & Food Research Ltd. $43,162,500
Horticulture & Food Research Institute of New Zealand Ltd. $39,500,000
Scion $31,506,250
Five largest individual funding allocations:
Cawthron Institute $14,750,000 Adding Value to Cultured Shellfish
New Zealand Institute of Crop & Food Research Ltd. $14,500,000 From Tools to Traits
Horticulture & Food Research Institute of New Zealand Ltd. $13,000,000 Low-Impact Disease Control
Lanzatech New Zealand Ltd. $12,000,000 Production of Low-C Petrol
ViaLactia BioSciences, $10,100,000 Super cows:superfoods!
Key points from FRST announcement:
– 96 contestable contracts with 24 organisations. The contracts are worth $98 million in their first year and $438 million during their lifetimes, which range from two up to six years.
– A further 17 contracts are being negotiated with seven CRIs and two universities under the Stable Funding Environment initiative. These will be worth up to $43 million in their first year and up to $347 million in their lifetimes.
– Total commitment of $141 million for year one and $785 million over the life of the contracts.
– Most contracts start from October 1, 2008.
Media contact at FRST:
David McLoughlin, Foundation for Research, Science and Technology
Phone (04) 917 7801
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