As the Science Media Centre gears up to mark a decade of working at the heart of science and media, it also looks to the future with new leadership.

Dacia Herbulock will take over as the new director of the Centre on March 26. A former documentary maker and radio journalist for RNZ, Dacia is currently the SMC’s senior media advisor and runs our Science Media SAVVY science communication training programme.
She has been with the Science Media Centre since it started operations in June 2008 and since then has played an integral role in the SMC’s development – from our Expert Reaction round-ups of commentary on breaking news stories to our successful media training workshops for Māori researchers run in partnership with Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga.
Over the years I’ve hugely valued Dacia’s sharp analytical mind, deep understanding of research and ability to keep projects on track. These will be hugely valuable skills as the SMC enters its second decade and adapts to meet the needs of the rapidly evolving media and the growing demands on experts to communicate their research.
Dacia will be presenting at PCST2018, the leading international conference for science communicators, being held in Dunedin April 3 – 6.
Peter Griffin
SMC Director