Credit: Adolfo Felix/Unsplash

Field guide for communication

Why communicate science to non-experts?

Communicating science to a public audience creates rewarding opportunities to develop new skills, attract new collaborators, and invite the public into democratic discussions about the future of scientific research. The resources below draw on academic research and experience to unpack these opportunities.

Choose your platform

As science communicators, we’re spoiled for choice when it comes to reaching a public audience – but this choice can feel overwhelming at times. Finding the right platform for your natural communication style will help bring your most authentic self to the fore. Below are some resources to help you consider and navigate the various options. 

Live events




Social media

Know your audience

Whatever platform you choose, understanding and engaging your audience are key to being an effective communicator. The resources below aim to help you develop these skills.

Meet your audience where they’re at:

Fostering trust:

The power of empathy: