CRI Taskforce: Reaction to recommendations for science system revamp

The CRI Taskforce has today released a report detailing recommendations for changes in the structure, funding and governance of the Crown research institutes.

The report is available here.

Reaction from the science sector follows…

Science New Zealand:

Chairman John Morgan comments:

“The CRI Taskforce has presented the most comprehensive review of the value of CRIs in our near 20-year history. They have concluded we do a great job for New Zealand’s economic, environmental and social wealth and wellbeing – but could do a better job still if certain areas were addressed.

“They identify three big issues: the need for simpler funding systems; the need for Government to be clear about its expectations of us; and issues around governance when multiple lines of accountability exist.

“We think they have got it right, and have proposed sensible solutions.

Royal Society of New Zealand

President, Dr Garth Carnaby comments:

“These recommendations will help align the energy of our scientists across all research institutions with the aspirations of New Zealanders for prosperity and economic growth.

“They will empower the CRIs and universities by turning them into partners who can collaborate through their different roles. By collaborating they will more effectively contribute to nationwide goals.”


Chairman, Dr Russ Ballard comments:

“The Report focuses on increased mechanisms for Boards and management of CRIs to make decisions, create economic benefit and be held accountable for outcomes. We welcome this focus on accountability and the opportunity it will provide to deliver our strategies. Scion continues to be a key collaborator in innovation, nationally and internationally,”