Agriculture Minister David Carter today sharply criticised dairy farmers who are failing to meet agreed targets for controlling pollution. His […]
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The Press: Beyond climate change calamity
In an opinion piece, David Round (University of Canterbury) writes in The Press about the disastrous effects of climate change, […]
Continue readingNZ Herald: Act now to fight swine flu: Ministry
Martin Johnston writes in the New Zealand Herald that the Ministry of Health is urging people to get their flu […]
Continue readingTVNZ/NZPA: Partners mimic pregnancy symptoms
Waikato researchers have found that the partners (and sometimes relatives) of pregnant women often also get symptoms which mimic pregnancy, […]
Continue readingStuff/NZPA: Smoking ban reduces heart attacks – study
International researchers have found a possible link between banning smoking in restaurants/bars, and a decrease in the incidence of severe […]
Continue readingNZ Herald: Smokers back new tobacco pouch to help quit the habit
Martin Johnston writes in the New Zealand Herald that smokers are finding a pouch-based quitting system helpful, according to New […]
Continue readingNZ Herald: ‘Remarkable’ space scientist won international acclaim
Phoebe Falconer writes in the New Zealand Herald about the groundbreaking research of Sir Ian Axford, who died recently aged […]
Continue readingNelson Mail: Scientist gets the dirt on marine pests
Josh Reich writes in the Nelson Mail about international work including New Zealand researchers which aims to predict and prevent […]
Continue readingAuckland environmental scorecard published
A comprehensive snapshot of Auckland’s air, land, water quality and biodiversity — the State of the Environment report — was […]
Continue readingRadio NZ: Space scientist Sir Ian Axford dies
New Zealand scientist Sir Ian Axford has died aged 77. He worked on space probes, and was an expert on […]
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